Think we’re classy? Vote before July 26!
Oh my word. 826 Valencia is nominated for a Classy Award in the category of “Most Creative Fundraiser by a Charity” for last year’s Spelling Bee for Cheaters event. If you loved the Spelling Bee, please vote for us to win this category before July 26.
Voting is surprisingly simple. Seriously. No need to create an account or log in. It’s as easy as one, two, three:
1. Visit the Classy Awards website.
2. Select “West” as the region, and scroll down to the “Most Creative Fundraiser by a Charity” category. Click “Select” for 826 Valencia.
3. A black bar pops up along the bottom of the screen. You can select “save this and move to another region” or “I’m done voting. Submit my final ballot.” If you want to simply vote for us and move on with your life, select the latter. If you want to explore all the nominees in different regions and find other organizations you love to vote for, continue on!
Thank you for supporting 826 Valencia. Our volunteers, teachers, and supporters are at the heart and soul of what we do!